Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Kim Sept 11 2006

How are you doing today? You may find it hard to walk through today as you reflect on 9-11 and how it affected you, our country and the world. We spent a lot of time this morning on the show reflecting on the lessons that day taught us. I am truly amazed at how sneaky the Enemy can be in helping us justify our "hate" for the Islamic community as a whole. I am ashamed to admit that I was caught up in that line of thinking right after 9-11 until God caught my attention through a Muslim woman. I was in line to check out at a store and there was a gentleman ahead of me and he was giving the lady at the register a hard time because she was Muslim. He basically told her to go back to where she came from. I was shocked to hear him speak that way and at the same time completely convicted that I had allowed myself to “think” the very same things about her people. The man finally left and as I stepped up to the register the woman burst into tears and looked me in the eyes and said “I did not make those planes go into those buildings.” I told her “of course you didn’t.” I then went on to tell her that I hoped that the rest of her day got better. As I left she simply said “thank you for being kind.” That word “kind” stuck out to me and then it hit me- the chorus to that old song “And they'll know we are Christians By our love, by our love, Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love.”
