Tuesday, June 24, 2008

August 2006 Posts

Okay you caught me. I admit it! I am caught up in the crazy madness of just getting through the day. I can hear myself rattle off all the things that have to happen during the course of this day before I can rest my head and doze off into blissful sleep tonight. It sounds something like this...."Wake up. Hit snooze button once.....okay twice. Get ready. Take chicken out of freezer for dinner. Toss clothes in dryer. Wish my daughters a beautiful day. Go to work. Go to soccer game. Fix dinner....no too tired...get something quick. Spend precious moments with my girls catching up with what happened during the course of the day. Brush my teeth. Wash my face. Fall into my bed..........and then do it all over again. Does any of this sound familiar to you? If I'm not careful I can let things get "old" really fast. Life seems to just be put on auto pilot and I begin wishing it was any other day than today. "I wish it was Friday." "I wish it was pay day." lol "I wish it was my vacation time." Believe me those are the days I enjoy but what about today? What things does God want me to see today? To live life working hard and living with no regrets is a beautiful goal as long as it doesn't mean missing the good stuff God has for us. Really listening to a family member or friend when we would rather get a jump start on "tomorrow's" work. Smiling at a stranger at the bank or grocery store when....well....we would rather not. Being kind. We can't change what we did with our yesterday's and we don't know if we have tomorrow, but today has been hand wrapped- given as a gift to you and me! Let's go for the good stuff! Psalm118:24 says "This is the day the Lord has made: We will rejoice and be glad in it!"
Hard to believe it for my wife Sheryl and I - but our son Garic "Babyman" turned 8 yesterday. Where does the time go? Our daughter Lauren leaves for college on Thursday. Make sure you take some time today to love on your kids - and love on your parents. It seemed like forever to get to 18 - then 21 - then you blink and your pushing 40 :)

Here's a word that hit me yesterday - "Godliness with contentment is great gain". (I.Tim 6:6)
Wow - If I can just learn to be content with what I have, not what I want, not what someone else has, but what I have ... I love the caller who told us about their 'wisdom from Dad' (around Father's Day this year) - "If we know, what God knows - we'd wants things .... Just the way they are." Be encouraged today - and let's remind each other how much is going right in our lives
I was out Monday taking my girls to their first day of school. It's something I never really get to do and really wanted to as my oldest daughter Lauren is starting her last year of high school! (careful this blog could get soggy) Where in the world did the time go? I know she was a baby once, I have the pictures to prove it. Here sister is not far behind her either!!! Alexia started her sophomore year of high school. Could somebody hand me a tissue.

Okay I'm back and so are the CAT's!!! Shame on you Doug for pushing your Dog Agenda while I was gone. lol I had a super break and got some much needed rest! Thanks Buddy for sweating over a hot microphone without me. It's great to be back! We are like peanut butter and jelly! :-) .. .
(( Peaches & Herb, Dog & Fire Hydrant, Zits and Clearasil :))
To follow up from an earlier show where Officer Scott filled in - we talked about a web site that allowed you to see what "criminals" lived near your home - lots of people wanted the link - check out