Wednesday, November 11, 2009

TIRED! Part 3

You know updating this blog with tips on tiredness - is making us tired ...

Here's the link to get the rest of the 6 ...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

TIRED! Part 2

Here's three more in our list of "12 Surprising Things that are making you tired!"

#4 - Being a couch potato. Staying in one place for long periods of time can sap your energy

(FIGHT IT) - by moving around! Stretch, Walk, GET up and move for a few minutes

#5 - Sleep Inconsistency. Not keeping to a regular SEVEN day-a-week sleep schedule

(FIGHT IT) - by being more consistent - Watch staying up late on Friday and Saturday and then sleeping in on Saturday & Sunday (Toughest one for us - since we get up at 3 am during the week - We CRAVE that Saturday sleep in!)

#6 - Mild Dehydration. Lack of fluid = feeling lethargic

(FIGHT IT) - by drinking more water. (Not the cokes and tea) but WATER!

To read up on more of these tips visit -

Monday, November 9, 2009

TIRED! Part 1

One of the hardest things about doing the morning show is LACK OF SLEEP zzzzzzz.

This week we are going to be offering you some tips that we found and hopefully they can help you - and us! Today we shared the first three items on the list "12 Surprising Things that are making you TIRED!"

#1 - Boredom! Your body reads the routine - as boring - and boring = tired!

(FIGHT IT) with some FUN!! Like the old saying goes "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" - Schedule time to goof off, have fun, joke around

#2 - Lack of Light! Your body needs sunlight - we spent too much time "in the dark"! Lack of light= tired!

(FIGHT IT) with some outdoor time! Get outside on break - get near some real natural light

#3 - Improper Breathing. Research says we all breath shallowly - lack of oxygen in the blood = tired!

(FIGHT IT) with "Belly-Breathing" - Deep in and out breaths (No just when your co-host is pushing your buttons!) - but ALWAYS ...

To read up on more of these tips visit -

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Red Road

This past week Doug and I had the privilege of joining our good friend Charles Robinson who leads the “The Red Road” ministry along with a host of others for an evening of Native American culture. It was awesome!!! Food, music, dance, and speakers made for a wonderful night full of learning.

I wanted to share with you some of what we learned and what the Red Road Ministry is all about. To Native Americans, The Red Road is a term used frequently which means to live a traditional lifestyle: drug and alcohol free, respect for others, respect for yourself, respect for creation and to worship the Creator. Every Native American tribe has a name for Creator in their own language. It is interesting how many of these names are very similar and how they speak to the nature and character of the Creator. Also most of the translations of names greatly parallel the names and character of God in the Judeo/Christian Bible. With this in mind, The Red Road is also devoted to the teaching of God's love for Native Americans by showing how He was at work in North American long before the arrival of the Europeans. Armed with that knowledge, The Red Road wants to see First Nations people (regardless of their "degree of Indian blood") rise up on reservations, in First Nations communities, throughout North America and around the world to share the love of Jesus with everyone within their sphere of influence! Jesus said that if we want to follow him, we must deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him (Luke 9:23). To this end, The Red Road also represents the blood-stained road that led Jesus to the cross.

The Red Road is an amazing ministry!! Check out their website at

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Twitter Winners

Congrats to the 20 (randomly selected) DougandKim followers on Twitter! You win the latest Christmas CD - "Glory in the Highest" from Chris Tomlin. (Our thanks to SPARROW Records). If you aren't following us yet on Twitter - please join us - and tell your friends. Here's the Twitter handles for our 20 winners: lori_wiens, lokirobert, boavis1986, michbrinson, dkparker101, sbreault78, georip, kenrobin, sassynashville, joebrowncpa, stuffsmart, dnash823, reginadj, mrsdoyal, emmyjelley, mandiaofficial, maplecottage, mzchrome, elvisthepooch, sonyawiley. (IF you are one of the winners - be sure and direct message or email us your mailing address)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Steven Curtis Chapman - LIVE - on the WEB

In addition to joining us on the morning show tomorrow (from 7-8:30am) - Steven Curtis Chapman is also hosting a special LIVE web cast from his home ...
Connect Tueday night at 9pm/central ...
AND - if you missed our morning show visit with Steven - Look for it soon in the "INTERVIEWS" section of our web site.