Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We've got a new place to blog

Welcome to our new place to blog ... Maybe that we have a cool new place to blog
we might actually blog more often :)

We have transferred over all the posts from the OLD DK BLOG - so if you are new -
You can still get caught up

Jan-Feb 2008 Info & Links

February 22, 2008
Thanks again to Pastor and author Robert Morgan. His new book is called "Lola Mazola's Happyland Adventure". Robert wrote this book as a help to parents in leading their kids to Christ and explaining John 3:16 - word by word. He's got a great web site - www.LolaMazola.com

February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day! Today we featured a special singing Valentine from the Music City Chorus – www.MusicCityChorus.org - For more on your local Barber Shop Chapter – www.BarberShop.org - and to request a singing valentine (or other occasion) – www.SingingValentines.com

Feb. 4, 2008
What Color are you? Recently Kim and I took the "True Colors Test" - and found out that we are different :) but we compliment each other - Her strongest area, was my weakest and my strongest, her weakest - Take the test yourself and see what color you are. www.TrueColorsTest.com Just for fun - here's our results:
Doug - Gold (17) / Orange (16) / Green (11) / Blue (6)
Kim - Blue (20) / Orange (15) / Green (8) / Gold (7)

January 24th - Today is "National Compliment Day" - Here's the web site we mentioned on the show www.ComplimentDay.com

Doug's Mom Update and THE SHACK book

January 10, 2008
Just following up from what I said on the show today - My mom is still not doing very well, at all. The depression continues - the adjustments of the medication continue - and the need for more prayers continue. Thank you, thank you so much for your prayers, emails and encouragement. My mom is now looking into an out-patient program that will intensively monitor her daily .. Now that my step dad, Junius, is back home she can better focus on taking care of her (scroll down to catch up on that side of the story - and to see a photo of my mom and step-dad.)
ON A SIDE NOTE -little tease here for a book that is having a big impact on my family and co-workers (just gave a copy of the book to Kim to read, and just found out the boss is reading it as well) - The book is called The Shack - by William P Young - web site
www.TheShackBook.com - It's a Christian fiction book about how a father reacts and deals with God after his daughter is killed by a serial killer. It's a book that will open up your mind to so many things - I want to say so much more, but I don't want to give anything away - you're better off finding things out on your own, should you choose to read it. (side note - I have a few issues with some of what the book is saying, but remember this is a fiction book) ... I do believe their a LOT of good in this book for a lot of people.)
If you choose to read it - or have read it - drop me an email.

Kim's Engagement Story - Jan 2008

January 2, 2008
What an exciting Christmas break!!!! In case you have not heard my news – I’M ENGAGED!!!!! The man who has captured my heart is someone I have known pretty much my whole life. His name is Russell Ford. He is the older brother of my life long best friend Shelle (Ford) Wilson.

Growing up I saw him as Shelle’s annoying older brother. Funny how time changes things and about fourteen years ago we tried to date each other only to find it was not God’s timing. We both had some growing up to do. We parted ways and I would ask Shelle about him from time to time. Then about six months ago Shelle asked me if I had received an e-mail from Russell. This was a big surprise because, not only had I not heard from him in years but my best friend was “helping” in setting us up by giving him my new e-mail address. Shelle was also sure it wasn’t God’s timing for us14 years ago but now she felt it was a good time to give Russell my e-mail at his request. We have slowly gotten to know each other all over again. It truly has been a God thing.

I have asked my family and friends including Doug to pray with me about this relationship and that God would make it clear that this is the path I should take and that truly has been confirmed. God has done this in HIS timing.

Our wedding date is yet to be planned but I will let you know when the date is set! So it is now with great JOY….ah sorry Doug……that I tell you
www.GetKimHitched.com has come to its end. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doug's Mom - Prayers Needed Oct 2007

October 23, 2007
Just a quick update on my parents. My mom is not doing too well - still trying to adjust to the new medicine and trying to figure out where Junius can go for the rehab he needs - perhaps a skilled nursing facility. Lord, please don't let the enemy snatch the seeds that have been sewn in my mom's heart recently.. Thank you again - so much - for your prayers.

October 19, 2007
Just got off the phone with my mom - and Junius made it through the surgery - successfully!! God is so good! Thank you so much for your prayers of support and encouraging emails! Please continue to pray now for his rehab ... 2 metal screws in his hip - and a few years back he had his knees redone - so forget about NOT setting off the metal detector at the airport :) Also, I asked my mom how she was doing and she actually said, "Better, I think". Lord, let this be the beginning of a full recovery for my parents.

October 18, 2007
Thanks again for the prayers and support! I'm just now trying to read through and reply to all the email that came in while I was out. Thank you very much .... On the prayer list is my step dad - Junius. He is slated for surgery tomorrow (Friday) in the afternoon. They're going to put two screws in his hip. Mom is holding it together as best as possible .... Thank you for your prayers.

October 17, 2007 - Midnight
I can only hold onto God's Word ... "Behold the plans I have for you, plans to prosper and not to harm" ... "Don't be anxious about anything" ... "He will never leave you nor forsake you" ...
Got home from my week with mom - the last night and the morning were tough - It's hard to say good-bye. After dinner I got a call that my step-dad, Junius (94) had slipped and fallen in the backyard - my mom calls 911 and follows the ambulance to the hospital - he's in a lot of pain. Cracked hip - he's admitted to the hospital ... She feels her 'rock' is gone - she doesn't think she can make it. What timing! She wanted me to stay longer, but it wasn't possible. God knew. Garic, my 9-year old said it best - "God knew before Junius was born that this was going to happen". Yes, sunshine - He did. Thank you for your prayers - please continue to pray for my mom - Michelle, my step-dad, Junius and my family as well. I'm exhausted. (FYI - this picture is about "10ish" years old)

October 14, 2007
Thank you for your prayers and support. This has been a difficult weekend. The medication that the doctor gave my mom on Friday doesn't seem to be making any difference. She is still very anxious and is flooded with negative, irrational thoughts that really paralyze her - she struggles with the most simple decisions .... It doesn't make any sense, she knows she is stronger than this - but the rebuild from this nervous break down is going to take time. Please pray for Monday and Tuesday, that they will be good days ... That when I fly home on Tuesday morning my mom will feel stronger. We went to church today, we have prayed and read the Word like never before. I know God is at work in her life. My prayer is that she will see daylight - soon.

October 11, 2007
The mind is powerful - very powerful. The Bible tells us that God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind. I ask for prayer for mom - for a sound mind. Since I've been here, it's been good and bad - and when it's bad, it can be very bad. They have tried 3 different meds on my mom over the past 3 months. There are times when she is beside herself with panic, anxiety and worry. Please be in prayer for a meeting tomorrow (Fri) at 4:30pm/pacific time. This will be a meeting with the doc that regulates her medicine, please pray that God will give him supernatural wisdom in adjusting/altering/whatever is needed for my mom's medication. Please pray that as a result of that adjustment she can begin to see some light at the end of this tunnel of panic and depression. In between it all, my mom and I have had time to hug, to pray, to read the Word together. God is good! Please Lord, hurry. Thank you so much for your prayers, your support, and your emails.

October 8, 2007
Prayer! It’s powerful. I need some. After tomorrow’s show I’m leaving to spend a week with my mom. She has been such a strong woman. My mom raised me by herself until I was 11, then she remarried. She went to school and studied hard – becoming a Nurse, later she got her Masters – and still later her law degree. Right now she is dealing with severe depression – she’s trying to work with the doctors and regulate her medicine – she praying to see some light at the end of this tunnel. On top of this depression that has been pulling her down for the past two months – she’s been dealing with M-S for over 10 years. I know God has a plan. I know God has a purpose in everything. Please pray for my mom’s healing, please pray for my week with her. Thank you – thank you that you care enough to allow Kim and I into your homes and that you would consider praying for my mom.

Kim's Long Blog - October 2007

October 3, 2007
It's been a while sense I last blogged, and I thought I might share a little bit of my heart with you. Honestly, it doesn't take too much time to see a world of change in a person's life. Sometimes, the change seems slow. Believe me, I know those times aren't always fun; but in my case, over the past 6 months, change has come at a very fast pace. One of those changes has been watching my daughter, Lauren, graduate from High School, and then dropping her off at college. I have also moved to a new townhouse, and we all know how "fun" moving can be. I have had to pinch myself as Alexia, my youngest child, started her Jr. Year of High School. I have also had the blessing of reacquainting myself with old friends.

Change isn't always the thing we welcome. When the Lord took my Dad home to be with Him, it was very sudden, and I was not at all ready for that kind of change. We move along in our lives constantly wanting to keep our "happy" factor, and once we've settled into it, life always brings something to turn our world upside down. At the time of my Dad's death, I didn't want or ask for that kind of change. As a matter of fact, I was very angry with God for taking my Dad home. My Dad was only 52!! At the time, my girls were so small, and I couldn't believe they would have to grow up not knowing what it would be like to be around their "Papa."

As with so many times in my life, God was patient and loving. He could handle my anger. He used that anger to bring me right back to Him. I remember one day, I was taking some time to just be by myself and think about my Dad. I stopped at an empty baseball field and found a seat in the bleachers. My Dad officiated baseball, football and basketball, so that seemed like the perfect place. Tears started streaming down my face as I sat there and cried out to God asking Him why He took my Dad. In that moment, I sensed the Lord shout to my heart, "Kim you think your earthly Daddy was awesome? With all his humor and integrity? Your 6'8" Gentle Giant Papa Bear of a Daddy....you think he was great?" At the top of my lungs I cried out, "YES GOD HE WAS JUST AWESOME!!!" Right in that moment, God whispered to me...."I made him, he was my idea. All his color and light was placed there by me."

When God speaks in a whisper, it's like thunder! I felt that way when God spoke to me in that moment. Wow!! The light turned on. God made my Dad! It was not exactly new information. I learned that God made all things as a toddler... but now, because of the depth of the "change" that came when my Dad died, I felt closer to God then I had in my whole life of growing up in the church. Change...He is always working on us.

Doug's Wife Sheryl - Says Thanks May 2007

(( Here's a little update from my beautiful wife - Sheryl ... ))
Thank you for your continued prayers and support. I am so humbled by your response to my situation. I treasure each email that Doug forwards to me. God has definitely used many people over the past few months to show me I am not alone.
I am doing MUCH better. Each day is a new day. Although I had a setback a few weeks ago with a major out break of hives. 2 shots, medication and many prayers later my hives finally went away.

The one really good thing I took from that is that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt the medication I am on IS working.....as I had to cut the dose in half to see if it was the medicine. Just cutting the dose in half for several days put me back to "panic mode", emotional and just not feeling right. A few days of full dosage made a HUGE difference.

Each day I feel more and more like "myself". I really feel as if my body has gone through a major change... things that I was never allergic to -now I am, certain things or situations that never bothered me before now make me feel anxious or nervous. Although I am able to get through those situations I am very aware of them.

Dr. Anne has been such a blessing to me. With her help and guidance I am dealing with issues of my past that I have never fully dealt with. It is a process and unfortunately I can't say "when" I will be completely free from panic/anxiety but I have faith to know I will some day.

For those of you who are familiar with panic/anxiety you probably know what I am talking about. I am the kind of person who always reads the end of a book first. I have this need to know how it will end. I always have a "plan". So, the hardest part for me right now is 100% trusting God and not making my own plan, and not thinking about all of the "would of's, could of's and what if's" for the past and the present.

I ask that you keep me in your prayers as I continue down this path. Its seems like a long road at times. I am truly grateful for my husband and children’s support through out all of this. I am also very grateful for all of you. Thank you for caring about me! Sheryl

Doug's Wife Sheryl - Updates May 2007

Where is the time going? May already? WOW! ... Thanks again to everyone that has been praying for my wife - Sheryl. I'm hoping to get her to post to this soon so she can thank you directly. She is doing much better, we feel like we are on the 'other side' of this. Of course, dealing with the panic and anxiety is now a daily part of her life - but with the help of Dr. Anne and the right mix of meds - each day is one step closer to being like she was. We know that God uses these times in our lives, not only to show us things - but also (later) to use us to connect with others. Anxiety and panic are a topic on many people's table and God is using Sheryl to encourage others who are walking the same route.

Sheryl Update !!! Thanks again to so many people that have been emailing and calling and praying! Sheryl says "don't stop"! She is doing much better, with good days and a few bad. She's back to work (at the pre school) and is currently enjoying the spring break. Dr Anne has been very helpful in their sessions and it's amazing how many people are connecting and talking with us about panic attacks and over all "mental health". This is an issue that hits so many people, but so many people don't talk about it. Well, we are talking now.

Doug's Pet Peeve - March 2003

I have to say - one of my pet peeves is when people send out mass email forwards, and don't check out if it's true or not. As written - it sounds like something that everyone needs to know - but before you send them out - please try a little research. On the front page of our web site - under my bio you will find a few links to sites that can help you find the truth! One hoax, for example, has been around for over 25 years! Lately we've been getting a lot of these emails about the coins without the "In God We Trust" part on them - True or false? True - some where printed that way - IN ERROR, not in a effort to remove God from this country - as you can see in the story below - they also left off a few other things as well. And feel free to send people a link to this blog to set the record straight.

Godless Coins Struck By U.S. Mint In Philadelphia The U.S. Mint isn't sure exactly why it struck some "godless" coins, or even how many might be in circulation. Even so, collectors are on to the new gold-colored one-dollar coins that bear a classic portrait of George Washington. What the coins are missing are the usual mottos "In god We Trust" and "E Pluribus Unum." The coins also lack the date and the mark of the Philadelphia Mint. All are supposed to be emblazoned along the edges of the coins, but some coins don't have the critical raised lettering. One such coin sold for 450 dollars on eBay before other auctioneers placed similar coins up for sale. The Mint blames a "quality control" issue and is trying "to determine a possible cause." "The United States Mint understands the importance of the inscriptions 'In God We Trust' and 'E Pluribus Unum' as well as the mint mark and year on U.S. coinage. We take this matter seriously," the statement said. "We also consider quality control a high priority. We are looking into the matter to determine a possible cause in the manufacturing process."
Know the truth - and the truth will set you free!

Kim's Post Cruise Post Feb 2007

Life doesn’t always turn out the way we would like it to. In fact, most of the time that’s the case because God in His infinite love and wisdom shows us His better plan. I have to admit these lessons were hard to receive over these past 2 ½ weeks. After 3 ½ years of working together, Doug and I have never had to be out at the same time because of sickness. But two weeks ago we were really juggling work, as I had a bad case of the flu and Doug was supporting his wife Sheryl with the medical challenges she faced. On top of all of that, we didn’t know if our families were going to be able to go on the Cruise that we had looked forward to for months, with Come Alive Cruises.

Those of you who follow our blog, know that Doug’s wife Sheryl has bravely walked through a lot of medical unknowns. In all of that I have to say I have seen my partner in crime (Doug) truly adore and care for his family in a way that pushed beyond what a normal husband and dad would be required to do. God’s refining at work! On top of that, Doug had to make the call the Friday before the cruise, to not take his family and we can see that it was a wise choice. Not a choice that made any of us happy, but a wise choice.

My family went on the cruise but not without some major distractions. We were sad that Doug’s family couldn’t make the trip (Doug’s Lauren and my Lauren and Alexia truly are great friends and have a blast together.) On top of missing Doug’s family, two days before the cruise, our cat Gracie ran away. We spent all our time before the cruise making up flyers and posting them and driving around asking our neighbors if they had seen her. We still have not found her.

I spent the first day and a half of the cruise wondering what God had in store for the week of the cruise. “Was something very special about this cruise getting ready to unfold?” and “ Is the enemy working overtime to distract us from that?” I believe that was the case. The cruise opened many opportunities for us to meet crew members and other cruise guests, who where not a part of the Come Alive Cruise event. On the last night of the Cruise, we invited those new-found friends to a concert that included Casting Crowns, Rebecca St. James, Downhere and Paul Baloche. At the end of the concert, a prayer was given for anyone who wanted to ask Jesus into his or her heart and some of those guests did that very thing! I knew then, why the enemy was so set on distracting me.

Now that we are back from the cruise and Doug and I are at full strength on the Morning Show, we still have some questions like “Why couldn’t Sheryl have been healed before the Cruise and where is my cat Gracie?” We don’t know the answers- but we trust the Author of our life who has “The Plan!”

Doug's Wife Sheryl - Panic Attacks 2007

Sheryl is doing so much better and is on a road to recovery and better understanding about panic attacks and anxiety. The Christian psychiatrist that Sheryl is seeing is excellent. Thank you so much for your prayers and a very special thanks to Lisa and the Dayton United Methodist Church in Dayton, VA - they set Sheryl a precious prayer shawl - with a note: "The ladies of our church made this, every stitch was prayed over and the entire group passed it around and added more prayers"
... Thank you very much, my wife was deeply touched.

Sheryl's appointment with the psychiatrist went well ... She was very encouraged by it and will begin a series of appointments to get a handle on better processing life. The doctor, herself, deals with alot with patients who have panic attacks. It's amazing to realize how powerful the mind is, and interesting to hear about how many people are affected by panic and/or anxiety. As always, thanks for your prayers - we are believing that we ARE on the 'other side' of this. God is good!

Sheryl's angiogram was normal today (YEAH!) Nothing wrong with her heart .. Next step is to heal from the procedure .. today and tomorrow ... Monday - Christian psychiatrist appointment - Tuesday back to the general doctor. Please pray that the healing from the angiogram goes quickly and that her body can return to 'normal' soon. Thank you very much for your support and prayers.

2/14/07 - Valentine's Night
We had our Valentine appointment with the heart doc today - and tomorrow Sheryl is going to have an angiogram ... It's a one day procedure - with a day to recover. Please pray that it will go well.

2/13/07 - Tuesday night
It was Sheryl's best day yet - yesterday ... Today, not as good - but still way better than it has been. Tomorrow is the appointment with the cardiologist - we are praying for wisdom for the doctor. We also have set up an appointment with a Christian psychiatrist to address the initial diagnosis of a panic attack. As a family we had another great time of prayer - this is really teaching Garic alot about the power of prayer and how we need to trust in Christ, even when we don't have all the answers. - Kim was kidding me about what I would get Sheryl for Valentine's day - but, you know - NOTHING says LOVE like going to a heart doctor with your wife on Valentines Day - Gotta Love it :)

2/12/07 - Monday morning ...
It's a new week and we are praying for new miracles. Spent 5 hours yesterday in the Emergency Room following another 'attack' of rapid heart beat and shortness of breath. Tests run in the ER where fine - however the doctor said there was something abnormal on one part of the stress test that Sheryl did on the very first visit to the ER. (News to us - we were told it was normal)
We have an appointment on Wednesday with the cardiologist to see if another test on her heart is needed. The good news so far - the nausea has gone away for 3 days now, bowels are normal.
- She has a big loss in appetite but is eating and it's staying in. Hope you are enjoying the "Best of" Doug & Kim this week on the radio .. I'm sure Kim will have tons of stories to tell when she returns from the cruise - and prayfully - I'll have some good news soon on my wife - on this blog. Thanks again for your prayers!

2/9/07 - 11:50pm
Just returned from DJing our church's Valentine's Dinner/Dance - My 5th year - but, sadly, no Sheryl by my side. The event went well - everyone had a great time ... During the evening, Sheryl called to say she was having another 'attack', a friend came over to be with her - I prayed with her on the phone .. Man, this is one frustrating situation. Lord, I trust in you and I know you have plans to prosper me and not harm me - but this is a tough one. Lord, please bring peace and healing to my wife. Please Lord give the doctors wisdom - but above all your will be done.

Sheryl had another 'attack' late this morning - it passed with some medication ... (Meds we were hoping she wouldn't have to take anymore). She's keeping food down - YEAH!r - and we continue to pray for her recovery. Again, thank you so much for your prayers and support. We don't know why our family is going through this - but we do know who does. We put our trust in Christ. Today Pastor Anthony and Ahmande from church came by and prayed over Sheryl and annointed her with oil, as found in James 5. Garic was actually the one that did the annointing. I know this episode is a great lesson in faith for him. Please pray for Garic and his understanding if Sheryl is not well enough to go on the station cruise. The whole family has so been looking forward to this - however, we know that God knows what's best. If we don't go, I know he'll be disappointed - we all will ... but I'm praying he'll understand. I'll do my best to keep this updated through out the weekend - and beyond - Please check back. God Bless.
2/7/07 - 8 pm
Sheryl is back home. The CT scan, the brain scan and the 'throat scope' are all - Normal.
The doctor says it's a very rare virus that has to run it's course - and hopefully it's almost out of steam. The 5 old meds are out - 2 new meds are in. Thank you so much for your prayers, and please continue to pray that the next few days with be the best yet. God willing, our family will be going on the "Doug & Kim Cruise" with Casting Crowns, Rebecca St James and more ... The ship leaves - Sunday, Feb 11th. Thank you - Thank you - Thank you! for your prayers.

2/6/07 - 10pm
Sheryl saw the specialist today - and he admitted her to the hospital. He ordered a CT scan, that they did tonight and tomorrow - the 'throat scope'. Please pray for wisdom for the doctor and that the test would show what the problem is - so it may be corrected. Again, thank you so much for your prayers, emails, calls, support and love.

Sheryl is going to see a G-I specialist today, prayerfully he will have insight. Last night, as a family, we had a great time of prayer and claiming God's healing power over my wife. What a great object lession for our 8-year old (Garic "baby-man") ... His prayers - were - precious and price less. Thanks again for all the prayer - We are resting on my favorite verse from Phillipians that says we are not to be anxious about anything - but in everything - with prayer and pettion, we present our requests to God and the peace that passes our understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Here's an update on my wife, Sheryl. First let me say thank you so much for all your prayers, emails and calls. We certainly are touched by such an outpouring of love. Doctors are still not certain about what exactly is wrong with Sheryl. The doctor feels that she had a panic attack but that's very unusual for Sheryl. She's very rarely sick and very stable. (While I know that being married to me would be enough to handle) :) .... On Thursday (1/25) the first call to 911 came from being woken up with the feeling that she was going to throw up - then her heart started racing and pounding out of her chest - She woke me up around midnight and we were off to the ER. Her heart rate was up to 140! She truly thougth that this was "it". She told me in the ER - "I'm scared. I know where I'm going but I don't want to go yet." Thankfully - she didn't. The hospital ran a battery of tests on her heart and they are all good! She's on heart medicine to keep her heart rate normal. The 2nd 911/ER trip (Monday night the 29th) came from another 'attack' - same feelings but the heart was beating normally. The meds we got to handle this turned out not to be strong enough and we took them too late ... Last Friday she had a GI Ultrasound - and today they told us the results are normal. (Again - great news - but very frustrating because we know there is something going on - inside.) All day today she's having problems keeping food in her - just toast and broth and it flows right out. For over a week now she's been battling this nausea ... The sensations and nausea come in waves ... The meds were working ok - but last night and today were tough .. After the doctor's visit today she's got another new med - she's on 5 now ... Sheryl also has "IBS" and the new medicine is connected to helping that ... She's resting ... Please continue to pray that the doctors would find out what's wrong. - Thank you & God Bless

Sept 2006 Posts

In Honor of National Dog Week (www.NationalDogWeek.com) we talked with Dean Miller.
For more information on Dean - visit his web site - www.thedogcounselor.com
Remembering the "classic" Christian Music. The other day I was getting together with my accountability partner and we were remembering back to those "thrilling days of yester-year" and the classic Christian Music. Did you grow with it too? Back in the 80s. I just discovered that I could get my favorite Resurrection Band LP on CD - "Colors" was the coolest - slammin'-est record out there ... and remember those 2 Kansas CDs with John Elefante? "Vinyl Confessions" and "Drastic Measures" - yes! Just got those on-line too. What about the 77's? Still looking for "Ping Pong over the Abyss" on CD. How about David Edwards? His two LPs are available in a new Double CD - autographed. Remember the pop sounds of Kim Boyce, Kenny Marks and Bash n Code? Maybe one day we can have a place to play the "oldies", until then I need to hook up record player to my computer and make me some cool CDs.
September 11, 2006
Each hour on the show today we began with "I Was There" - an original poem written by Stacey Randall - A recording of "I Was There" and the entire text is available on line at www.metinthestairwell.com

Who Does That Song??

WHO Does that Song?
Another of our most asked question is "Who did that song?" ... One of the easiest ways to track down that information is by visiting www.google.com - and type in the lyrics you do know then add the word "lyric" to the end - usually that pulls up something. Here's list of the most frequently asked about songs right now.

When God Made You - Newsong w/Natalie Grant
- great wedding song ... on Newsong's New Life CD
They don't understand - Sawyer Brown
- lady on the bus, kids yelling ... (Mission Temple Fireworks CD)
Love of my life - Jim Brickman w/Michael W Smith
- another great love song ... on Jim's Greatest Hits CD
My Savior, My God - Aaron Shust
- great praise & worship song
Blessed Assurance - Third Day
- you won't find this on the Third Day CD, instead it's on the compilation CD to the
Max Lucado Book "Next Door Savior"

Kim Sept 11 2006

How are you doing today? You may find it hard to walk through today as you reflect on 9-11 and how it affected you, our country and the world. We spent a lot of time this morning on the show reflecting on the lessons that day taught us. I am truly amazed at how sneaky the Enemy can be in helping us justify our "hate" for the Islamic community as a whole. I am ashamed to admit that I was caught up in that line of thinking right after 9-11 until God caught my attention through a Muslim woman. I was in line to check out at a store and there was a gentleman ahead of me and he was giving the lady at the register a hard time because she was Muslim. He basically told her to go back to where she came from. I was shocked to hear him speak that way and at the same time completely convicted that I had allowed myself to “think” the very same things about her people. The man finally left and as I stepped up to the register the woman burst into tears and looked me in the eyes and said “I did not make those planes go into those buildings.” I told her “of course you didn’t.” I then went on to tell her that I hoped that the rest of her day got better. As I left she simply said “thank you for being kind.” That word “kind” stuck out to me and then it hit me- the chorus to that old song “And they'll know we are Christians By our love, by our love, Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love.”


August 2006 Posts

Okay you caught me. I admit it! I am caught up in the crazy madness of just getting through the day. I can hear myself rattle off all the things that have to happen during the course of this day before I can rest my head and doze off into blissful sleep tonight. It sounds something like this...."Wake up. Hit snooze button once.....okay twice. Get ready. Take chicken out of freezer for dinner. Toss clothes in dryer. Wish my daughters a beautiful day. Go to work. Go to soccer game. Fix dinner....no too tired...get something quick. Spend precious moments with my girls catching up with what happened during the course of the day. Brush my teeth. Wash my face. Fall into my bed..........and then do it all over again. Does any of this sound familiar to you? If I'm not careful I can let things get "old" really fast. Life seems to just be put on auto pilot and I begin wishing it was any other day than today. "I wish it was Friday." "I wish it was pay day." lol "I wish it was my vacation time." Believe me those are the days I enjoy but what about today? What things does God want me to see today? To live life working hard and living with no regrets is a beautiful goal as long as it doesn't mean missing the good stuff God has for us. Really listening to a family member or friend when we would rather get a jump start on "tomorrow's" work. Smiling at a stranger at the bank or grocery store when....well....we would rather not. Being kind. We can't change what we did with our yesterday's and we don't know if we have tomorrow, but today has been hand wrapped- given as a gift to you and me! Let's go for the good stuff! Psalm118:24 says "This is the day the Lord has made: We will rejoice and be glad in it!"
Hard to believe it for my wife Sheryl and I - but our son Garic "Babyman" turned 8 yesterday. Where does the time go? Our daughter Lauren leaves for college on Thursday. Make sure you take some time today to love on your kids - and love on your parents. It seemed like forever to get to 18 - then 21 - then you blink and your pushing 40 :)

Here's a word that hit me yesterday - "Godliness with contentment is great gain". (I.Tim 6:6)
Wow - If I can just learn to be content with what I have, not what I want, not what someone else has, but what I have ... I love the caller who told us about their 'wisdom from Dad' (around Father's Day this year) - "If we know, what God knows - we'd wants things .... Just the way they are." Be encouraged today - and let's remind each other how much is going right in our lives
I was out Monday taking my girls to their first day of school. It's something I never really get to do and really wanted to as my oldest daughter Lauren is starting her last year of high school! (careful this blog could get soggy) Where in the world did the time go? I know she was a baby once, I have the pictures to prove it. Here sister is not far behind her either!!! Alexia started her sophomore year of high school. Could somebody hand me a tissue.

Okay I'm back and so are the CAT's!!! Shame on you Doug for pushing your Dog Agenda while I was gone. lol I had a super break and got some much needed rest! Thanks Buddy for sweating over a hot microphone without me. It's great to be back! We are like peanut butter and jelly! :-) .. .
(( Peaches & Herb, Dog & Fire Hydrant, Zits and Clearasil :))
To follow up from an earlier show where Officer Scott filled in - we talked about a web site that allowed you to see what "criminals" lived near your home - lots of people wanted the link - check out