Thursday, August 27, 2009


This week we were talking about how fast time and life moves ... There are things in life, that when they happen, you look back and say "WOW!" ... Where did the time go?

My daughter Lauren is now - E N G A G E D!! (Like - "to be married") ... Seems like only yesterday she was my little "Lu-Lu" and we were playing "Saddlerack Barbies" - and now - "Here comes the bride."

God is good - and Stephen is a guy with his head on straight and loves the Lord! (You can read more about this and the traits of an ideal husband on my wifes blog at

... Looking at an April ceremony - at least we found a good DJ (

Awesome IPhone App

If you don't have an IPhone, you might think this post won't be very interesting to you, but I encourage you to read on and be inspired by how this church is taking Christ to the masses. Mars Hill Church in Seattle Washington has released a new app for the IPhone - It's free - I've got it - and it rocks!
Here's a sample from their press release ... The Mars Hill Church app is one of the latest technological advancements for one of the fastest growing and most innovative churches in America. The Mars Hill Church iPhone app makes available Mars Hill’s extensive media library of 25 sermon series, over 600 of Pastor Mark’s sermons, nearly 150 songs produced by Mars Hill bands, and an informative stream of blogs and updates directly to iPhone users. Moreover, the church is continuing their policy of giving away all of their content for free.

With 40 million iPhone users in 77 countries, here is one way a church is looking to reach many with the truth of Christ.

No IPhone app at your church? NO PROBLEM - but the challenge is - WHAT are you doing to help the word out in these final days?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Don't Call Food Network Just Yet

Russell and I are big fans of the Food Network. We love watching Paula Dean “put in a little more butter” ( let’s just go ahead and use the whole stick) hee hee You got to love her! We also like watching Iron Chief. The Chief’s always seem to create things we have never heard of and we learn so much. So we decided this weekend we would try our hand at……..FRIED WONTONS!!! I am not sure we should contact Bobby Flay just yet, but I know one thing- WE’RE GOING TO HAVE FUN!!!

...until someone gets hurt!!

Just in case you didn’t hear the story, last week I broke my ring finger and had to have my wedding rings cut off. I will say this was my fault, but it has been fun teasing my Hubby. Last week we were working on our front lawn. I was watering and Russell was using the weed eater. I had the sprayer in my right hand and the hose some how got wrapped around my left hand. (You can see where this story is going.  ) Something inside me said “spray your husband”, so I did. In his attempt to get me back, he reached for the hose and pulled hard and when he did it broke my finger. Russell has felt so bad about it. It wasn’t his fault at all, it was just a moment of fun that got out of hand. It was much like one of those moments from your childhood when your Mom said, “Alright, settle down, one of you is going to get hurt.” Right now I have to wear a brace for four weeks. No typing for a week. (I have hen pecked this blog hee hee) One thing is for sure, you don’t realize how important a certain part of your body is until it’s out of commission. Much like the body of Christ….we all play an important part!!! Oh and I pick up my rings today from the jeweler….no charge….thanks Steve Murray Jewelers!! (….God is good!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Toby Mac - ATTACK

Don't miss our special two hour visit with Toby Mac - THIS MONDAY - from 7-9am/central. Toby will share what it's like to raise 5 kids ... We'll enjoy some new music and ask "the" question - "Will DC Talk Reunite?"

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

He made it to school!!

Here's Garic on his first day of 5th grade - Monday - August 10th. Thank you so much for your prayers, concerns and emails. Praise God that Garic was able to start school on time!

This first week has been good - and Sheryl and I are praising God for that. We feel he's pretty much "out of the woods" as far as the illness is concerned but we are definitely making changes in our diet that will be a benefit for the whole family. I'd also like to love on my wife for her recent blog posting about God answering prayers (read it at

Friday, August 7, 2009

Garic Update

Before I head off for a restful weekend I wanted to share with you all an update on Doug's son Garic from Doug's wife Sheryl.

Dear family and friends,

Well it’s been a slow and steady week for Garic. I know it was the best decision for him to stay home and miss the trip even though it was very disappointing. It’s been a week of doctor appts and each day he seems to be getting a little better. He has been walking our whole neighborhood now! (Considering he couldn’t even walk to the corner with out extreme nausea and fatigue). He still has nausea but it is less. I think we have the constipation issue solved (praise God!). Whew! It’s been a tough 7 wks! However, God has been faithful and each day Garic seems stronger and healthier.

We went to registration night at his new school last pm. He met his new teachers and got a general feel of what to expect the first day. They are all aware of the situation and I am praying he makes it Monday.

Thank you so much for your prayers and I ask that you continue to pray until he is 100% over this. Its still one day at a time. One moment at a time.

We are grateful for your prayers and cards! Knowing others are praying make all of us feel good and the cards have blessed Garic so much! THANK YOU!!!!

God is good!

Sheryl, Doug, Lauren and Garic

TGIF with Britt Nicole!

We finished out the week with a precious person - Britt Nicole. We found out she celebrated her 25th birthday this month with her Granddad whose birthday is also in Aug. Don't forget - her project "The Lost Get Found" hits stores this Tuesday (Aug. 11th). It's awesome!!! Also this Fall she will be on tour and included in her schedule is the Revolve Tour with Woman of Faith. This is a great event for teen girls -

More from the Man Down Under

Wow!!! This week was a huge blessing for me!! I sure hope it was for you too!!! Thursday was wonderful as I spent time catching up with Paul Colman. I also meet his beautiful wife Rebecca and their sister-in-law, Lucy Bailey, who was visiting from the Land Down Under. It turns out she is a Morning Radio Announcer for Life-FM in Melbourne. Her morning show starts at about 4 in the afternoon our time. I had fun comparing notes with her. No matter what side of the planet you are on – it’s still hard to rise to that 3a.m. alarm clock! Don't forget you can catch up with Paul at

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Doug's out for the week and look who's in!!

Wow!!! What a fantastic week!!! Monday we caught up with Mike Nawrocki and Larry the Cucumber - don't forget Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella is now out on DVD.

Yesterday we spent time with a group who has been together for 18 years- (and they still like each other. hee hee) Phillips Craig and Dean!!!! Each pastor a church and manage to write the most amazing songs. I am so grateful they chose to join us on the same day their new project "Fearless" hit the streets!!! You are going to love every song. I played it over and over in my car yesterday.

This mornings highlight was catching up with the very beautiful MANDISA!!! We highlighted many of her songs from her latest project "Freedom!" I will tell you there is never a time I am around that precious friend that I do not come away from our visit blessed!!!

Don't miss tomorrow's show - joining me will be the man from down under - Paul Colman!!! (I think I need a bit more polish with my Aussie slang) hee hee Then on Friday Britt Nichole will join me on the Morning show!!

On another note- please continue to keep Doug’s son Garic in your prayers. He was not able to go with Doug to CA to see Doug’s Mom. He is still not well and will start back to school soon.