Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Junius

April 28th is my step-dad's birthday. This is a photo from several years back with my mom.

Each year when I try to do the math to figure out how old he is, I have to think back to his birth year - but now I can just do the math from the year he'll turn 100. (2013) ... So Happy 97th Birthday Junius!
Hard for me to imagine being that old (it's easier for Kim) ... All of the things he has seen - all of the changes ... I love and appreciate my step-dad, he came into our family when I was 11 - My parents met through a bowling league. He and I used to bowl on an adult/kid bowling league called A.A.K.C. (Adult Aggravation, Kid Confusion).

One cool piece of very unique 'step-dad' trivia I share with my wife is - Both Sheryl and I share the same middle name as our step-dads ... My middle name is Alexander - so is Junius' (So is my son's). Sheryl and her step-dad both have Lynn as their middle name. It's almost as if Someone knew we would be family one day. :)

What is your theme song?

Great fun on the show this morning ... Based on this report - Listening to just 15 seconds of upbeat music can change your perception of the people around you. British researchers played volunteers short clips of cheerful music and then had them rate the mood of faces in photos. Almost instantaneously, the music changed the volunteers' perceptions of what they saw in the pictures, and faces that were previously judged as emotionless became happy. We asked the question - "If you could play a song for someone before they met you - What would it be?"
... Marie said "Theme from Looney Tunes" ... Jason wants "Celebration" from Cool & the Gang - something I would pick as well ... and Kim wanted "Brown Eyed Girl" or "Father's Eye's" from Amy Grant ... Song by Chris Tomlin are popular with our Facebook friends ... What would your "introduction" song be? Tell us at our Facebook page www.Facebook.com/dougandkim

Friday, April 23, 2010

Oh Boy!!!!

Not sure if you’ve heard the news but this month Russell and I found out at our doctor’s appt. that we are having a BOY!!!!!! Yeah!!!! Raising two beautiful girls was a wonderful adventure and now after years of prayers for God to bless my life with another child He’s given us a boy!!! Watching my daughters go from one end of childhood to the other I am already praying that God would give Russell and I wisdom with this new little one. I am also trying to anticipate what this little boy will be like. Will he like the color green; will he think bugs are cool, will one of his favorite things to do is have his mother read to him? Hee I hope so!! Just thinking about it fills my heart with joy and wonder! God is so awesome! He already knows the answers to all those questions. What a wonderful God to entrust this little one to Russell and me. We pray that this little boy would one day come to know Jesus and follow Him all the days of his life. Now……if we could only figure out what his name will be!!! Thanks for your prayers. We are now half way to this baby boy’s birth day.

Watch the Doves

Don’t forget the 41st GMA Dove awards are on GMC this Sunday night. (April 25th) The complete list of winners can be found at www.doveawards.com.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Titanic Remembered

Today is the 98th anniversary of the Titanic hitting an iceberg, before midnight on April 14th. In the early hours of April 15th the once mighty ship was at the bottom of the Atlantic. Where was God in that tragedy? He was with the 706 people that survived. Today was a powerful morning of your "Titanic" stories - "Icebergs" that hit you but didn't sink you thanks to God's help.

Here's one story we received via email ...

Dear Doug & Kim - You talked about a Titanic event, an event of survival. An event in my life immediately came to mind. Five years ago after having my youngest son I went through postpartum depression. At first it showed itself in an anxiety disorder,but 8 months later I found myself lying awake in my bed contemplating suicide. I thought to myself, while everyone slept, if I were to do it how would I do it. "Slit my wrists? No, that never works. Overdose on pills? Yeah, maybe". Then a voice said to me "No! This isn't normal. This isn't okay. You need to go to the doctor". I totally believe that voice was God. He was my lifeboat to safety. After that point I did go to the doctor and, even though I still have the anxiety, it is controlled. My biggest obstacle was dealing with the label of mental illness. I finally understood that our brains, which control our thought processes, are physical to this world the same as our bodies. My issues center around my hormones which can wreak havoc on your thought processes. Many women still struggle with this after having children and/or going through menopause. Don't be afraid to go to the doctor and get help and let God be your lifeboat.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

1st Twitter - now - FACEBOOK

Your family friendly morning show is now on FACEBOOK. Please "friend" us & tell your friends. You can find quite a few photo albums already posted - and more on the way!
And if you're not already following us on Twitter - join us there as well