Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

Today's the DAY! Happy Fathers Day! (Did you get the plasma screen yet?) Yeah - I'm still waiting too :) ... Today was a good day with my family. I got some great cards, good food and a wonderful reminder that I am truly truly blessed. God is good // All the Time ... All the Time // God is good! I hope that you had time to "Love on Your Dad" ... and if he's not here anymore, or isn't interested in you - Please remember that our Heavenly Father is always ready to receive your love and love us back - Unconditionally!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

6 Year Anniversary

Hard to believe - but June 16th marked the 6th Anniversary of "Your Family-Friendly Morning Show - Doug & Kim" ... WOW! That's 42 dog years :) Kim and I have actually been working together longer than that. The original show was "Doug, Don and Kim" - when Don left - it was just DK ... Thank you so much for the encouraging phone calls and emails! Some of you have been on this journey with us the whole time, others are just getting to know us.

Do know that we are truly blessed to be able to do what we do. Despite the 3 am alarm clock, we know that God has gifted us and blessed us and we are very grateful for the platform we have. We try to bring the best show possible to you each morning. Each morning before we talk to you, we talk to God - asking for His blessing and guidance and close each work day with another meeting with Dad. We are far from perfect and will make mistakes from time to time, but do know that our heart is to encourage, entertain and just be your friend. Thanks for letting us into your family, and please feel free to drop a line anytime! We read all the emails we receive and reply to as many as possible. If you have a question, suggestion, or correction - please let us know.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer Dates under $20

As a newly wed I am constantly looking for new ways to surprise Russell with fun little dates. Before we got married we promised each other we would not stop dating each other after we got married. So whether you’re single, you’re a newly wed or if you’ve been married for years, please feel free to use these ideas to surprise your sweetheart.
20 Dates Under $20 (from
Going out doesn’t have to work over your wallet. Plan the perfect night without hitting the ATM!
Date Ideas on the Cheap
Remember the days when dinner and a movie made for a cheap night out? Sigh. Neither do we. That’s why we came up with 20 dates for $20 (or less!).
Key:$: $1 - $6$$: $7 - $14$$$: $15 - $20
Sporty Dates
$ Hiking Pack your hiking boots or a comfortable pair of sneakers, two large bottles of water, and yummy sandwiches.
$$ Roller Skating If you own skates, head over to the nearest roller rink for a retro good time. If not, expect to pay about $6 for rental skates. Make sure you hold hands during those couple skates!
$$–$$$ Minor League Games Buy tickets for seats farther in the back of the stadium and you’ll spend as little as $8 a piece. $$–$$$ Bowling Between the $5 pitchers and the rental shoes, it’s the perfect date for some low-key fun.
Artsy Dates
$ Art Gallery Most art galleries are free, so check out new artists in your area. Free wine is often served on the opening night of exhibits. Cheers!
$–$$ Local Concerts Check your local paper or its website for free concerts. For shows in the park, pack a picnic so you can dance and dine in the same place.
$$$ Pottery Painting Okay, you won’t exactly be able to reenact the scene from Ghost at a pottery shop, but you’ll be able to paint funky coffee mugs!
Free: Book Reading Check out a local (free!) book reading. Then grab coffee and talk about your latest read.
At-Home Dates
$–$$$ Bathroom Spa Take turns giving each other massages and rinse off all that oil with a bubble bath. Just don’t get too relaxed. Falling asleep really kills the mood!
$$ Movie Theme Night If you’re in the mood for Italian, rent The Godfather and cook up some pasta. Watch Wedding Crashers with slices of cake from your fave bakery.
Foodie Dates
$ Street or County Fair Whether it’s a pie bake-off on a farm or a falafel stand in the city, fairs are great places to sample and soak up the local flavor.
$ Ethnic Eats Here’s the thing about low-key ethnic restaurants: The food is often just as good as pricier cuisine.
$$ Cooking Class Get friends together and ask everyone to bring their favorite recipes and the ingredients to make them. $$ Farmers’ Market Grab your reusable grocery bag, and head over to your local farmers’ market.
$$$ Brunch Many weekend hot spots offer deals on brunch buffets and drinks.
Offbeat Dates
$$$ Thrift Shopping Head to a flea market or thrift store and have a contest to see who can find the wackiest item. The only catch? You can spend no more than $10 each.
$$$ Amateur Comedy Show Laugh it up during open mic night at a comedy club. Admission rates are cheaper when you watch amateurs take the stage.
On-the-Go Dates
$ Volunteer “Work” Doing good together can be a lot of fun. If you love the outdoors, find an organization that plants trees or cleans beaches.
$ Historic Tour Every town or city has a unique history, so find out yours by taking a walking tour of local sites with historical significance.
$$$ Dance Class Obsessed with Dancing With the Stars? It’s time to test your own skills by taking a couples dance class.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Summer Reading List

Do you look forward to having time off in the summer, so you can catch up on your reading? I'm hoping to do that. Two friends of mine have written books and I'm anxious to check them out.
Todd Starnes' book is his story of physical change with a healthy dose of humor. His journey is one of an overweight man with an enlarged heart to a marathon runner. For all the dangers he was warned about from the pulpit, from drugs to alcohol and more, no one was talking about over eating ... Until Now
Rudi just self-published his first book, it's Christian fiction - He calls it "Jesus meets James Bond" ... Should be interesting.
Read any good books lately? Please shoot us an email and tell us about them.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


One of the hot buzz words this year is "Staycation" ... Money too tight for a true VAcation, so STAY at home ... but if you do remember these tips:

1. Treat it like a vacation - NO home improvement projects

2. This is NOT the time to catch up on the "TO DO" list

3. Vary the routine - get out of the house - do what you can for CHEAP in your own community!

Along those lines the National Parks Department has great news -

Fee-FREE weekends - Starting Father's Day Weekend - June 20-21 and again July 18-19 and August 15-16 ... Find out more at