Wednesday, June 17, 2009

6 Year Anniversary

Hard to believe - but June 16th marked the 6th Anniversary of "Your Family-Friendly Morning Show - Doug & Kim" ... WOW! That's 42 dog years :) Kim and I have actually been working together longer than that. The original show was "Doug, Don and Kim" - when Don left - it was just DK ... Thank you so much for the encouraging phone calls and emails! Some of you have been on this journey with us the whole time, others are just getting to know us.

Do know that we are truly blessed to be able to do what we do. Despite the 3 am alarm clock, we know that God has gifted us and blessed us and we are very grateful for the platform we have. We try to bring the best show possible to you each morning. Each morning before we talk to you, we talk to God - asking for His blessing and guidance and close each work day with another meeting with Dad. We are far from perfect and will make mistakes from time to time, but do know that our heart is to encourage, entertain and just be your friend. Thanks for letting us into your family, and please feel free to drop a line anytime! We read all the emails we receive and reply to as many as possible. If you have a question, suggestion, or correction - please let us know.