Thursday, January 28, 2010

Listen for us SOON on the IPhone & Blackberry

Doug here - and I love my IPhone. The apps, the ability to quickly download music and so much cool stuff - and soon the IPhone will be complete with a brand new app featuring us - Your family friendly morning show. I'm currently testing the app for our flagship station - 94FM The Fish. We'll also have the app for the Blackberry. It's still a few weeks away from being available, but when it is - we WILL let you know. In the meantime, here's a screen shot of what it will look like.

Speaking of IPhone Apps

My son Garic now has an IPod Touch and is addicted to finding new and strange apps - Here's a few pix from one called "Replace your Face" & "Old Photo Booth" ... Garic as Mr T - and our dog Shelby's High School Yearbook picture.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Gotta love a great leader!!!!!

The man who always seems to be the guy who rallies the troops when we are hit with difficult times is Michael W. Smith. The recent events with Haiti are no exception. Michael along with Cindy Morgan and David Mullen have written a new song in an effort to help those in Haiti called “We are One.” See how the recording is progressing at Michael’s website

Thursday, January 21, 2010

We are the Hands and Feet!!!

Haiti. We can’t say that name right now without images of hurting people and toppled buildings coming up in our minds. It’s hard to find the beauty with so many suffering. Over the past few days, however, beauty has shown up in the recovery of an 8 year old and a 10 year old who are alive but had spent a whole week barred under rubble that came from the first quake. Beauty has also come with help from many organizations and individuals around the world bringing food, supplies, and their talents. It’s tempting sometimes when things like this happen, to think that God isn’t there but clearly He is! He bids us all to come join Him and be a part of the healing – not just for the Haitians, but for the healing and growth of our own hearts.

Here are some organizations that are helping in Haiti.
Food for the Poor
Samaritans Purse
Hands and Feet Project

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Doug's wife Sheryl is on "Family Rewards"

Just wanted to let you know that you can score extra points in our free frequent listener club (Family Rewards) by listening to my wife, Sheryl, talk about her new book - "A Scarlet Cord of Hope - My journey through guilt, shame and fear to Hope". Click on the "Music and More" section of Rewards and listen ... Also, we are giving away 5 autographed copies of her book in the "Raffle" section of Family Rewards ... Finally - EVERYONE is invited TODAY - Friday, Jan 15th - to the join us for the special book signing and release party at the Coffee Beanery on Murfreesboro Road in Franklin, TN. Thank you so much for your support, prayers and encouragement about my wife. She would love to hear from you at her web site
(Click on the picture of the back of the book to make the photo larger and read more)

Our show is one big TEAM!

You know, Kim and I are very blessed that you are a part of our team, our family. We can't do the show without you. Without you, we would just be sitting in a room talking to a stick. We are also blessed with some incredible volunteer talent ... These people give of their time and gifts and we thank them!! Officer Scott with his "Crooks Get Busted" stories on Tuesdays and Thursdays ... Life coach and former NFL player Chris Sanders with his encouragement on Monday, Wednesday & Friday ... Movie Man Matt Mungle with his take on the latest releases every Friday - and our photo-shop friend - Steve! Steve's creations are featured through out our web site - from the Christmas Novelty Song Contest - to birthday wishes - to this latest creation, inspired by our recent comments to Seize the Day or Carpe THE Diem. As we think about and thank our team, take a moment to love on yours - from your family to your friends and co-workers.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Brrrrrr! Winter's here!!

As we go into the New Year we also find ourselves deep into winter!!! This season is so beautiful, but also requires great care. If you live or have lived in snowy climates you may know all the “do’s and don’ts”, but just in case, or if you are planning a winter trip, check out this website for helpful info on dealing with the winter weather.

Waiting for a plane

A very unlikely thing happened the other day at the Newark Airport. No, I am not talking about the security breach that happened when a man walked back through the exit area- I am talking about what happened just a short time later. Josh Wilson, one of the artists we play during the morning show, was at that Newark airport waiting to change planes to head to India on a mission trip. Josh along with hundreds of other passengers endured a lockdown and dealing with flight delays. As you can imagine that might have created a very hostile environment, but take a look at how Josh connects and makes a moment.

God gives us moments like this every day. Can you imagine what our world would be like if we all stayed vigilant like this to use the talents God has given us? Meeting people right where they are!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Doug's Birthday!

Thank you - Thank you - THANK YOU!!!! Today was an awesome on-air birthday celebration! Thanks to Kim for awesome gifts - including a remote-controlled R2D2 (which I think means she secretly wanted MY song to win the Christmas Novelty Song Contest!) ... Thanks to Todd from the Free Standing Chick Fil A in Rivergate for an awesome breakfast and thanks much to Stephanie of Cookies by Design ( for these awesome cookies!! ... Thanks to the many calls and emails - but here's the TRUTH !!! I'M NOT 50 !!!

Kim is 50 ... I'm only 43 !!! (thanks Steve for the cool Obi-Doug pix!)