Friday, April 23, 2010

Oh Boy!!!!

Not sure if you’ve heard the news but this month Russell and I found out at our doctor’s appt. that we are having a BOY!!!!!! Yeah!!!! Raising two beautiful girls was a wonderful adventure and now after years of prayers for God to bless my life with another child He’s given us a boy!!! Watching my daughters go from one end of childhood to the other I am already praying that God would give Russell and I wisdom with this new little one. I am also trying to anticipate what this little boy will be like. Will he like the color green; will he think bugs are cool, will one of his favorite things to do is have his mother read to him? Hee I hope so!! Just thinking about it fills my heart with joy and wonder! God is so awesome! He already knows the answers to all those questions. What a wonderful God to entrust this little one to Russell and me. We pray that this little boy would one day come to know Jesus and follow Him all the days of his life. Now……if we could only figure out what his name will be!!! Thanks for your prayers. We are now half way to this baby boy’s birth day.