Friday, August 21, 2009

...until someone gets hurt!!

Just in case you didn’t hear the story, last week I broke my ring finger and had to have my wedding rings cut off. I will say this was my fault, but it has been fun teasing my Hubby. Last week we were working on our front lawn. I was watering and Russell was using the weed eater. I had the sprayer in my right hand and the hose some how got wrapped around my left hand. (You can see where this story is going.  ) Something inside me said “spray your husband”, so I did. In his attempt to get me back, he reached for the hose and pulled hard and when he did it broke my finger. Russell has felt so bad about it. It wasn’t his fault at all, it was just a moment of fun that got out of hand. It was much like one of those moments from your childhood when your Mom said, “Alright, settle down, one of you is going to get hurt.” Right now I have to wear a brace for four weeks. No typing for a week. (I have hen pecked this blog hee hee) One thing is for sure, you don’t realize how important a certain part of your body is until it’s out of commission. Much like the body of Christ….we all play an important part!!! Oh and I pick up my rings today from the jeweler….no charge….thanks Steve Murray Jewelers!! (….God is good!!!