Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Doug's Mom - Prayers Needed Oct 2007

October 23, 2007
Just a quick update on my parents. My mom is not doing too well - still trying to adjust to the new medicine and trying to figure out where Junius can go for the rehab he needs - perhaps a skilled nursing facility. Lord, please don't let the enemy snatch the seeds that have been sewn in my mom's heart recently.. Thank you again - so much - for your prayers.

October 19, 2007
Just got off the phone with my mom - and Junius made it through the surgery - successfully!! God is so good! Thank you so much for your prayers of support and encouraging emails! Please continue to pray now for his rehab ... 2 metal screws in his hip - and a few years back he had his knees redone - so forget about NOT setting off the metal detector at the airport :) Also, I asked my mom how she was doing and she actually said, "Better, I think". Lord, let this be the beginning of a full recovery for my parents.

October 18, 2007
Thanks again for the prayers and support! I'm just now trying to read through and reply to all the email that came in while I was out. Thank you very much .... On the prayer list is my step dad - Junius. He is slated for surgery tomorrow (Friday) in the afternoon. They're going to put two screws in his hip. Mom is holding it together as best as possible .... Thank you for your prayers.

October 17, 2007 - Midnight
I can only hold onto God's Word ... "Behold the plans I have for you, plans to prosper and not to harm" ... "Don't be anxious about anything" ... "He will never leave you nor forsake you" ...
Got home from my week with mom - the last night and the morning were tough - It's hard to say good-bye. After dinner I got a call that my step-dad, Junius (94) had slipped and fallen in the backyard - my mom calls 911 and follows the ambulance to the hospital - he's in a lot of pain. Cracked hip - he's admitted to the hospital ... She feels her 'rock' is gone - she doesn't think she can make it. What timing! She wanted me to stay longer, but it wasn't possible. God knew. Garic, my 9-year old said it best - "God knew before Junius was born that this was going to happen". Yes, sunshine - He did. Thank you for your prayers - please continue to pray for my mom - Michelle, my step-dad, Junius and my family as well. I'm exhausted. (FYI - this picture is about "10ish" years old)

October 14, 2007
Thank you for your prayers and support. This has been a difficult weekend. The medication that the doctor gave my mom on Friday doesn't seem to be making any difference. She is still very anxious and is flooded with negative, irrational thoughts that really paralyze her - she struggles with the most simple decisions .... It doesn't make any sense, she knows she is stronger than this - but the rebuild from this nervous break down is going to take time. Please pray for Monday and Tuesday, that they will be good days ... That when I fly home on Tuesday morning my mom will feel stronger. We went to church today, we have prayed and read the Word like never before. I know God is at work in her life. My prayer is that she will see daylight - soon.

October 11, 2007
The mind is powerful - very powerful. The Bible tells us that God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind. I ask for prayer for mom - for a sound mind. Since I've been here, it's been good and bad - and when it's bad, it can be very bad. They have tried 3 different meds on my mom over the past 3 months. There are times when she is beside herself with panic, anxiety and worry. Please be in prayer for a meeting tomorrow (Fri) at 4:30pm/pacific time. This will be a meeting with the doc that regulates her medicine, please pray that God will give him supernatural wisdom in adjusting/altering/whatever is needed for my mom's medication. Please pray that as a result of that adjustment she can begin to see some light at the end of this tunnel of panic and depression. In between it all, my mom and I have had time to hug, to pray, to read the Word together. God is good! Please Lord, hurry. Thank you so much for your prayers, your support, and your emails.

October 8, 2007
Prayer! It’s powerful. I need some. After tomorrow’s show I’m leaving to spend a week with my mom. She has been such a strong woman. My mom raised me by herself until I was 11, then she remarried. She went to school and studied hard – becoming a Nurse, later she got her Masters – and still later her law degree. Right now she is dealing with severe depression – she’s trying to work with the doctors and regulate her medicine – she praying to see some light at the end of this tunnel. On top of this depression that has been pulling her down for the past two months – she’s been dealing with M-S for over 10 years. I know God has a plan. I know God has a purpose in everything. Please pray for my mom’s healing, please pray for my week with her. Thank you – thank you that you care enough to allow Kim and I into your homes and that you would consider praying for my mom.