Monday, November 9, 2009

TIRED! Part 1

One of the hardest things about doing the morning show is LACK OF SLEEP zzzzzzz.

This week we are going to be offering you some tips that we found and hopefully they can help you - and us! Today we shared the first three items on the list "12 Surprising Things that are making you TIRED!"

#1 - Boredom! Your body reads the routine - as boring - and boring = tired!

(FIGHT IT) with some FUN!! Like the old saying goes "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" - Schedule time to goof off, have fun, joke around

#2 - Lack of Light! Your body needs sunlight - we spent too much time "in the dark"! Lack of light= tired!

(FIGHT IT) with some outdoor time! Get outside on break - get near some real natural light

#3 - Improper Breathing. Research says we all breath shallowly - lack of oxygen in the blood = tired!

(FIGHT IT) with "Belly-Breathing" - Deep in and out breaths (No just when your co-host is pushing your buttons!) - but ALWAYS ...

To read up on more of these tips visit -