Friday, July 24, 2009

Summer is too short!

The summer has moved along so quickly! It always seems to me to be the shortest season of the year and depending on where you live – it is. For me in this season of life there has been a lot of change….some good and some not so good- A beautiful wedding, a miscarriage, a move to another part of the city, and becoming an empty-nester. (Much sooner than I wanted to- I think most parents can relate to that.) It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that we are not moving through tough seasons of life as fast as we would like. On the other hand, much like summer, when those great seasons come they don’t last as long as we would like. Leaves of change are almost certain to be just around the corner. To quote Amy Grant, “When life is good, drink it in, because seasons change. When life is hard, hold on tight, it won’t last long, because seasons change!”