Friday, July 24, 2009

A Look at Down Under

In case you missed it this past week – in our attempt to be cool and back announce Paul Colman’s song “Run”, we tried our hand at an Australian accent. (as Paul Colman is from the Land Down Under) Doug got a bit carried away and ended up calling Paul’s girls “Blokes.” The next day Paul gave us a good lesson in Australian slang. It turns out Blokes mean men. It would be far better to call his daughters “Sheila’s.” Clearly we are not quite ready to head to Australia just yet. And so I thought we’d take a gander at some Australian slang so as not to come off as a few Kangaroos loose in the top paddock. Ha ha Enjoy!!

a sheila.....old fashioned slang for a woman not to be confused with a
Bloke : man, guy (Douglas!!)
anklebiter.....young child
to put the Billy on.....make a cup of tea
Captain Cook : look (noun) ("let's have a Captain Cook")
G'day......hello, hi
have a Gander.....have a look
the good oil....the truth
good-on-ya Mate!.....congratulatory or sarcastic remark, depending on tone of voice
green around the gills....feeling sick, crook
Happy as Larry.....very happy
Jack and Jill.......bill
jaffle...a toasted sandwich
Joe Bloggs......the average man in the street
Joe Blake......a snake
"just down the road"...beware, in the bush , this could be a long way
Kiwi...a New Zealander (Phil Joel  )
a few Kangaroos loose in the top paddock......mentally deficient