Thursday, December 3, 2009

So the Whole World would know!!!

I think, for most of us, we have this picture of what a perfect Christmas looks like. I am a big fan of a beautiful warm fire going in the fire place, snow falling, my Grandfather’s voice reading the Christmas story from the book of Luke, the smell of wonderful food floating through the air, candles lit, and the joy that only good friends and family can bring. While that is ONE way to see Christmas, I am reminded that the reason Jesus came was for the WHOLE world to know and love Him- and then for each part of the world to celebrate His birth in their own unique way. Take a look at the brand new video from my good friends The Katinas – Silent Night It makes me want to spend Christmas in SAMOA!!!  There are other ways to see the World this Christmas – how about the gift that helps those in third world countries? With Samaritan’s purse, the ministry founded by Franklin Graham, you can make sure a child has a wonderful box of toys to open along with hearing the life saving message of Jesus. Samaritan’s Purse also has a “gift catalog” – for those folks on your list that have everything, this is a great gift idea - honor them by giving to others in need. Doug gave me my Christmas gift last year from this catalog and I LOVED it!!!!! Now that’s Christmas!!!!!