Monday, December 7, 2009

My Favorite Christmas Toy!!

When I think back on being a little kid and Christmas I remember my parents allowing me to go through toy catalogs and circle the things I would like. I remember my Mother saying, “Now Kim, you know you won’t get all the things you circle, just a few things.” I laugh when I think about that as both my Mom and Dad spoiled my brother’s and me ROTTEN!!!!! Let’s just say MOST of what I circled was unwrapped on Christmas morning. One of my favorite toys from childhood was a Barbie Airplane. It was so cool. When you folded it up it looked like a suit case and when you unfolded it, it was half of an airplane. There was a refreshment cart. To my knowledge air-masks did not drop from the compartment above and I can’t remember if it had and exit isle but I will tell you I played with that toy and “flew” to exciting destinations until the poor thing had to be thrown away. When I think of all that joy and how short my childhood really was – it make me want to buy a toy for every kid on the planet!!! Wait a minute….Samaritans purse can help us take care of that!!! It’s not too late.