Friday, June 25, 2010

Hold on - help is on the way!!!!!

From our childhood there were some basic things we could count on, that one plus one is two, that touching a hot stove would be painful, and that it wasn’t any fun to get separated from your parents in a big store. As we got older things got more complicated -math added letters to the mix, there were more things that could burn us then just a hot stove and being separated from those we love became even more painful. It’s tempting in this life to think that “If I just do the right thing and make all the best choices that life will turn out fine.” You live long enough you know that is not true. Just look at Job – he was a man who truly made our Heavenly Father proud, but he was still made to suffer and wait for God to show up. He was tempted by those around him to lose heart. I think about Job when I am in a holding pattern of waiting to hear from God. It can be hard to “fix” our eyes on Jesus when we would like a relationship to be restored (TODAY), when financial challenges need to be covered (TODAY) and any of life’s other problems need to be fixed (TODAY). We get so uncomfortable in the hurt and in the not knowing that we forget what God has promised- He told us that in this life we WILL have troubles BUT we are to take heart because He has over come anything that the world can dish out. It doesn’t mean we can’t be human and say things like “God, I don’t like this or understand this.” Or “God this really hurts! I want it fixed now.” I believe God can handle it when we can’t seem to get ourselves to that “sweet, by and by” place down the road. More than false emotion I think God wants us to be in that honest place and that is where He can shape us if we allow Him. We know we become stronger and wiser in TRUSTING Him that gives us strength the next thing life throws at us.