Friday, May 14, 2010

Housewife - Good or Bad?

We've got quite a discussion going at our Facebook page ... The issue?

According to a new report 63% of women say calling yourself a "housewife" is a negative thing. What do you think? Here's a few comments:

Debbie says - No way!! I'm proud to be a "housewife"... I get to take care of my family the way God intended me to and I love it!!

Maria - Being a " housewife " isn't a bad thing . Nor is it a bad word . It's all the over dramatic media portraying it so negatively . Being a housewife is a blessing . God blesses every one of them .

Amber's comment - I like to call myself a "domestic engineer" lol. sounds better than housewife.

What do you think? Feel free to join our Facebook community and chime in