Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We have to "Come Together NOW!"

The blessing of the basics is something I know, at times, I take for granted. We can count ourselves in the top 1% of the world if we have a roof over our head, food for three meals in our kitchen and some form of transportation – that includes a bike. Suddenly the world looks a little bit brighter – but what about that other 99% of the world? So many people are hurting and struggling – people next door and around the world. How we choose to help meet their need is how they see who Jesus is! It’s now been a little over a month sense the earth quake shook Haiti and they still need our help – they will need our help for years to come. Some of your favorite artists have come together with a new song called Come Together Now. Check out the video
Please support this song as the money raised will go to support those in Haite – our brothers and sisters, through Sameritans Purse and the American Red Cross. Let’s share what God has given us - We are so blessed!!