Friday, October 9, 2009

It's Fall!!!!

If you have listened to Your Family Friendly Morning Show long enough, you know that I am a big fan of FALL!!!! It’s one of my favorite times of the year. Most of my family celebrates their Birthday this time of year and I can remember some very fun excursions to celebrate. We would take rides to see the beauty and color of the leaves changing and on our way; we would stop off at this wonderful apple orchard that had apples the size of grapefruit! It was fabulous!!! My favorite thing to do with some of those apples was wrap them in these flat pieces of caramel and make caramel apples!! Another thing I love to do during this season, is hide in a big pile of leaves and then jump out and scare someone who wasn’t quite expecting me to be there. Hee hee I know, I am a mess, but this whole season turns me into a little kid. Feel that crisp air? Wrap yourself up in a warm blanket and take in this beautiful change of season!