Thursday, September 10, 2009

Snail Mail!!! What a Treasure!!!!

The most peculiar and wonderful thing happened to me two weeks ago. I got a hand written letter mailed to me from a friend I had not talked with in years. With all our e-mailing, texting, facebooking and twittering, the letter felt more like a gift. Not the norm. This person thought of me, picked out lovely stationary, picked up a pen and crafted a heartwarming collection of thoughts and words – for ME! Now at the risk of sounding “old school” I have to say I miss hand written letters. (Now here would be the point where Doug would insert a cute remark like – “Letters? Oh yes you told me about those when you came over in the wagon. How you used a quill pen made from the turkey your family ate last Thanksgiving.” Nice Douglas!! Not everyone has an I-Phone) Don’t get me wrong I love being able to talk with friends who are serving as Missionaries half way around the world through the drop of an e-mail. I also know it means so much to military families who get to e-mail their soldiers daily. It’s just that having that little piece of parchment that began in the hand of this dear one is now in your hands. Okay, so I’m a romantic, but I treasure cards and letter’s my family and friends have sent me over the years. When I went off to college I remember times when I was in great need of clean clothes but out of quarters and I would go check my campus mail box and there would be a card with a little cash tucked inside from my grandmother. How could she have known? More than helping me towards clean laundry she wrote words that gave me courage and reminded me God had his hands on me. It was a simple act of love, but it meant the world to me. How easy it would be to make another persons day. I guess I will head off to the post office and get a book of stamps.