Thursday, February 12, 2009

Heartfelt Thanks!!

I can’t begin to thank so many of you who have loved on Russell and me at this very tender time in our life. As many of you know God blessed Russell and me with the news that we were pregnant. Two weeks ago God welcomed that baby back with Him. I had just completed my first trimester and was enjoying a few days without morning sickness….and well…..I didn’t see it coming.

Monday January the 19th, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day, I had just finished the morning show honoring Dr. King and spending time with Artist Matt Maher. It was looking like it would be a wonderful day. However, after a quick trip to the ladies room I had a concern and called my doctor. She asked me to come in so we could check the baby on the ultrasound. I wasn’t too worried because the same thing happened a month prior and all was well.

Lauren, my oldest daughter, met up with me and wanted to go with me because she had wanted to see the baby and find out if it wasn’t too early to find out what the babies sex was. During the course of the exam heartbreaking news unfolded and we found that there was no heartbeat. My heart broke and I was overtaken with sadness.

A few days ago we received the results of some tests that were taken and we found out the baby was a little girl. We have given her the name Kaylynn Renee. Russell has made a wooden box for us to put our personal letters to her in as well as little keepsakes like the ultrasound picture of her a month before when her heart was beating strong.

In the weeks that have followed I have been comforted in knowing I will hold that sweet baby again some day. Russell and I both have also been comforted by your e-mails and cards. Many of you have walked this road as well and understand completely what we are feeling at this time. We know that God heals the broken hearted. Much of this we don’t understand but we know God holds us and hurts with us. Romans 8:26 says- “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.”

Giving it to Him!

Thanks for sharing your mornings and living out life with Doug and me!!!